HLTAID002 Provide Basic Emergency Life Support

Provide Basic Emergency Life Support

This unit is designed for those that need more first aid skills than those gained in a CPR course but who do not need to attend a full Provide First Aid course. It cover basic information on bleeding control and other basic management of minor first aid incidents

Our Paramedical trainers will provide you with the best training available

This unit is not recognised for those needing to gain training appropriate for first aiders in the workplace. 

Course covers:

  • CPR
  • allergic reaction
  • anaphylaxis
  • bleeding control
  • choking and airway obstruction
  • respiratory distress, including asthma
  • shock

How do I enrol ??

Please contact our office if you wish to complete this unit. 

Target Audience

This unit is designed for those who only wish to gain a basic understanding of minor first aid issues. We would normally suggest that participants attend a full Provide First Aid course to ensure their knowledge and skill meets industry standards

Course Requirements

Only basic numeracy and literacy skills are needed to attend this course. Access to a computer with internet, as well as basic computer skills is required for completion of this unit.

If you have ANY special needs ( eg, language / literacy / numeracy difficulties, physical disabilities etc ) that you think may impact on your ability to complete this training please let us know prior to enrolling. 

Assessment requirements

There is some theory and practical assessment to ensure that the participant has gained the required knowledge and confidence in the skills covered in the unit. You will be required, as per the Training Package, to complete 2 mins of CPR on a CPR manikin. Participants will also be required to demonstrate various practical skills including application of slings etc

Award Issued

Nationally Recognised unit/s of Competence 

HLTAID001 Provide Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support

Recertification requirements

CPR refresher is recommended annually 

Course Duration

Face to face training is approx. 6 hours plus recommended pre-course learning and viewing of videos available on our website

Pre-course study

It is strongly suggested you view the videos on CPR found on our website as well as reading the first aid book which is also available on our website

HLTAID002 Provide Basic Emergency Life Support

Award Issued

Nationally Recognised unit/s of Competence 

HLTAID001 Provide Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

HLTAID002 Provide basic emergency life support

Course Duration

Face to face training is approx. 6 hours plus recommended pre-course learning and viewing of videos available on our website

Full Unit Documents

Follow this link to for full details on this unit


Registered Training Organisation 90531

First Aid Training with Professional Paramedical Trainers